---------- From: CCLPianos@AOL.COM To: pianotech@ptg.org Subject: Mysterious after ring Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 7:40 AM List, The piano Chickering console, aprox 44" 1930's. in spite of having exceptionally good springs, adequate lost motion in the pedal rods, adequate lost motion in the whip/capstan, adequate lost motion with the damper spoon, etc. With the pedal rods out, and the action frame snagged tight, I still get after ring. It's annoying, so it must be repaired/regulated. Patrick Wethington Patrick, If the damper springs are _too_ tight, there can be an isolating effect on the lower portion of the string. The damper will act as the top termination and you get the lower portion vibrating. Try voicing the damper as well. If they've become a bit hard, get into them with your picker and soften them up a little Just a couple of thoughts Mark B. Canberra Australia
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