David, Besides the ETDs frequently mentioned on this list I know only of one other ETD manufacturer, the German firm TLA. They carry the models CTS-5, CTS-5-P and CTS-5-PE. I have no address, but the German pianosupplyhouse Meyne sells them. http://www.pianos.de/meyne . If you can read German, I will scan the full technical data and send it to you. I tried one a few years ago, but I prefer the Yamaha PT100 and would prefer a program like Tunelab or RCT when considering an upgrade. Michiel van Loon Meppel Holland mvanloon@xs4aal.nl www.to/piano-meppel -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: David Ricketts <ricketts@pbq.com.au> Aan: pianotech@ptg.org <pianotech@ptg.org> Datum: donderdag 11 februari 1999 21:27 Onderwerp: RE: ETDs Is there any other manufactures of ETDs other then the big 3 ie. SAT, Cyber tuner & Yamaha. I have decided to invest in 1. I'm getting a bit sick of pitch raise the hard way. We do alot of that in the bush. Thanks. David F. Ricketts.
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