Hi Don, If you are completely repinning the action, I would suggest the following. Find some of the looser flanges. Ream the bushings and ensure they are parallel. Determine the size of pin required. Rough up a pin by rolling it on the bench under a medium file. Use this in a pin vice for your reamer. the new pin should slide through both bushings feeling equally snuggish from both sides. The next step I use a alcohol lamp and a new pin in the vice, heat the pin and run it quickly through the bushings. This irons the nap and gives very even friction. The result works out perfectly consistent to the Yamaha flange screw test every time. I think its about 4gms of friction? Pianophile's pins are Japenese, and I have found them to be very good. I have ground down the sides of the tip of my wire cutters to form a flush cut, it works better than my expensive centre pin cutters. Do things in order e.g. remove all flange pins ream all bushings ect. Hope this helps Roger At 09:46 PM 10/02/99 -0600, you wrote: >Hi, > >Does anyone know a source of supply for pre cut and tumbled center pins? I >am going to be doing a *lot* of repinning very shortly on a piano and feel >that these pins would be the *very best* option for the client. >Regards, >Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.M.T., R.P.T. > >Tuner for the Saskatchewan Centre of the Arts > >drose@dlcwest.com >http://www.dlcwest.com/~drose/ >3004 Grant Rd. >REGINA, SK >S4S 5G7 >306-352-3620 or 1-888-29t-uner > Roger Jolly Baldwin Yamaha Piano Centre Saskatoon and Regina Saskatchewan, Canada. 306-665-0213 Fax 652-0505
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