In a message dated 99-02-07 12:31:53 EST, you write: << A few years ago, when Allen Foote was in charge, they used a piece of plastic that lengthened or shortened by changes in humidity. It was strong enough to operate a double throw single pole micro switch. Simple, elegant, easy to manufacture and easy to calibrate (in the factory). Allen even made a few that were variable. Wish I had gotten one. Newton >> Thanks much, Newton (and Don) for your replies on the innards of the older humidistats. Interested in whatever else we might learn about them. I figure that over the next few years, with the great improvements in the systems, we techs will end up doing many changeouts because of the added features the new systems have, and if we can continue to use the old humidistats they would be handy in the shop, or possibly in any rental pianos we might own. I bet some of you are already doing this. Sincerely, Bill Shull
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