I know of three models of Steinway reproducing pianos with the Aeolian Duo-Art mechanisms. The model numbers are: XR 6'1 3/4", OR 6' 5" and AR 6" 11 1/4". These pianos were made for Aeolian by Steinway with room between the fallboard and the pinblock for the roll mechanism which made the pianos measure much longer. Steinway also built pianos for Welte. These were also built longer for the roll mechanism between the fallboard and pinblock. I dont know the model numbers of these. In the late 1930's you could order a Model S and have an AMPICO reproducing mechanism installed after the piano was purchased. These would have a works in the drawer type mechanism. This should really confuse everyone... Randy Hayno Madisonville, LA Bdshull@AOL.COM wrote: > In a message dated 99-02-04 19:47:49 EST, you write: > > << jennfee@ibm.net wrote: > > >I was tuning a 1920 Steinway S reproducing piano yesterday > > The Steinway Model S (5' 1") was introduced in 1936. Perhaps this was an > M, normally 5'7"? > > Kent >> > > The M reproducer was usually denoted "XR", and the O reproducer "OR". I do > not know what the S reproducer was called. The L came out in 1923, but the > reproducer continued to be the "OR", if I remember right. > > Bill Shull
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