>-----Original Message----- >From: owner-pianotech@ptg.org [mailto:owner-pianotech@ptg.org] On Behalf Of >Cary Mather (carebear) >Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 1999 9:33 PM >To: pianotech-digest@ptg.org >Subject: Question > >what would you say the price of a heinzman upright piano would be worth? > >cary mather >**************************** > Laughter is the > cure for all insanity :) >**************************** Hello, Cary Canadians have of course been answering your post, since Heintzmans are (fine) Canadian pianos, so they are familiar with them. However, no one has mentioned whether their estimates (vague as they have to be) are Canadian or American dollars. This would seem to be rather important. Susan Susan Kline P.O. Box 1651 Philomath, OR 97370 skline@proaxis.com
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