Cary: That depends. I get 3 or 4 phone calls per week with people asking me how much their piano is worth. I usually give them the same answer- Who do you want to sell it to? To someone you don't know (i.e. general public), or to a piano dealer? Or to someone like a friend or a family member. Or are you trying to determine how much to insure it for? All 3 answers are very different. Also the overall condition of the piano is also a big contributing factor. The only way to get an accurate value ( well close anyways) is to have a piano technician who also knows retail/wholesale value inspect it and appraise it. If you only want a ballpark figure.... Anywhere between $0.00 to $6500.00 Mike Swendsen RPT -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Cary Mather (carebear) Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 1999 9:33 PM To: Subject: Question what would you say the price of a heinzman upright piano would be worth? cary mather **************************** Laughter is the cure for all insanity :) ****************************
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