Hello, In reference to my recent "Dead or Alive" post regarding the over-voiced S&S hammers: They are currently being used to play a funeral march. I tried a variety of salvage attempts but they just got worse and worse. They now have more needle holes than a heroin addict and more hardener than dentists supply cabinet. The whole set should ideally be replaced but having no university budget I will resort to the next best thing. The previous tech who had this position replaced a set of hammers on our old Steinway. Fortunatly he saved them in a box and upon inspection they really don't appear that bad. I am going to replace the bad section of hammers with these and I should be back in business until such a time that budgets will permit me to order a complete new set- likely those of a different brand that shall remain nameless. (No offense Steinway, just not my favorite). Rob Goodale, RPT
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