> THIS MESSAGE IS IN MIME FORMAT. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment Hello Alex, My name is Andr=E9 and I live in Holland. Here are some numbers from "Pierce Piano Atlas" 9th edition: Serial No's Petrof, Anton & Mark, Est. 1864 uprights, grands and H Harmoniums, Hradec Kralove VIII. Stalingradska 207 Czechoslovakia. Made by Musicexport : 1900-13000 1905-16200 1910-24000 1915-30500 1920-33400 1925-38100 1930-46500 1935-52200 1940-58000 1945-62700 1950-67280 1955-7540 1960-87200 1965-103700 1970-146900 1975-211900 1980-314242 1981-325000 1982-340000 F=F6rster Uprights, Grands and Harmoniums, Est. 1884. Jirikov (Georgswalde), Ulice 9. Kvetna 718. Czechoslovakia. See Weinbach. same serial numbers. 1900-10510 1910-23920 1920-32920 1930-64200 1940-72120 1949-84600 1950-85550 1951-85900 1952-86400 1953-87300 1954-87900 1955-89300 1956-90900 1957-91700 1958-93500 1960-96600 F=F6rster, August, Est. 1859, Lobau, Exclusive distrib. M.C.H. Mfgrs. Centre Holland 1873-900 1880-1700 1886-5000 1898-10000 1904-15000 1910-25000 1924-50000 1929-60000 1937-73000 1960-122500 1961-124000 1966-134000 1968-137500 1970-140500 1948-85000 1950-86300 1952-102000 1972-143500 1974-147500 1976-150000 1978-152000 1980-154000 1985-157995 1988-159505 Friendly greetings, Andr=E9 Hi List, I am calling from Yugoslavia.I work as a piano teacher in secondary music school.In our school there are about 20 vertical pianos ("Petrof","August Forster","Ukraina").We would like to know the year of production for them.I am wondering,if somebody from list can send us serial numbers and year of production for that brands. Sorry if my english was bad.Thanks in advance. Alex ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: https://www.moypiano.com/ptg/pianotech.php/attachments/3d/54/2e/27/attachment.htm ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment--
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