Help on repairs!!

Thu, 30 Dec 1999 22:07:30 EST

In a message dated 12/30/99 1:12:03 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< > Dear list:
 > The piano is a Cable-Nelson Ser.#316422 (1948-49) I have tuned the piano 
 > about 10 years. Many times they call me about keys that do not work. Mainly
 > in octaves 4 and 5 (F#-A-4: G-A#-5) The problem: The keys will work several
 > times, then the jack fails to return under the hammer butt. If you work at 
 > little it will go back under and then work for several more times >>

What happens on one of the problem keys if you play it with the sustain pedal 
engaged and then let the key return very slowly? Will the jack always return 
like it should or will it only work when the key and action is given a little 
momentum to return to rest?

I have found, especially on a lot of consoles, that the action parts are too 
light to positively return everything fully without some momentum helping it 
along. Just the friction between the key capstan and the wippen felt can be 
enough to cause problems. Since it seems to be a design flaw more than 
anything, you might consider adding some key weights.

Dave Bunch

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