Trouble setting string--append (fwd.)

Roger Jolly
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 22:23:42 -0600

Hi Jeannie,
                A couple of extra thoughts from my previous post, If the
Steinway is a vertical, then flag poling could be the cause of the problem,
a slight bump of the pin after setting seems to help ensure stability.
Another scorce of difficulty can be friction when two strings are rubbing
against each other, or the string is deflected by a forward pin's coils.
Repositioning the wire or restting some pins some times helps.
If on setting the first string, the second string can jar the the first,
due to friction or deflection, this can cause all kinds of setting  problems.
The best advice tho', is to have a mentor check his tuning and observe
hammer technique.
Regards Roger

At 04:04 PM 28/12/99 -0800, you wrote:
>In my last message I forgot to say that I POUND the keys and even then the
>pitch slips. It is NOT due to instability ( not in the NORMAL sense).
>Obviously instability is there because the pitch doesn't hold. I sure do
>EXITE the string however !!! I tried it by playing softer too but it doesn't
>make a difference. I also noticed that in pianos with very little angle
>deflection in the string ( over the "V" bar or CAPO Bar )  this problem also
>sometimes occurs. -- instability in the tuning of unisons. Is there a
>connection ?
>Bill Gerow
Roger Jolly
Saskatoon, Canada.
Fax 652-0505

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