Steinway Damper Afterring

Patrick C. Poulson
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 12:41:41 -0800

Jon: Thanks for your input.  This is a 1909 vintage Steinway that was
rebuilt, and I don't be believe they replaced the old levers with a new set.

>Lots of good suggestions but I would like to add a possible need to
>adjust the assist spring tension. Depending on the age of the piano
>they might be absent.  A new set of underlevers is in order if the sostenuto
>tab is older stiff style. Is this a 20 yr old piano?
>To adjust he tension, I can't think of any other way than to remove the
>lifter tray from the piano. In the Renner USA Underlever Replacement Kit
>there is a suggested weight/tension for each section.
>Twenty year old felt should still be OK but with a critical customer such as
>I would go ahead and replace the damper felt and the guide rail felt.
>Jon Page,   piano technician
>Harwich Port, Cape Cod, Mass.

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