"killer octave:

Ron Nossaman nossaman@SOUTHWIND.NET
Sat, 25 Dec 1999 23:40:20 -0600

>, tho I'd like a bit 
>more detail
>as to what soundboard design problems cause this, and what can be done about 
>Richard Brekne

Assembly impedance is too low in this area. The fix is to raise the
impedance, and the resonant frequency. I won't get into the details, since
I'm not sure how close what I'm doing is to what Del's doing (I haven't yet
seen or heard one of his), and since Del still has patent paperwork oozing
through the system at glacial speed, I don't intend to shoot him in the
foot (or anywhere else). Suffice it to say, for now, that there is a
logical, understandable, and quite rational cause and effect relationship
between the strings and soundboard assembly going on here, that can be made
much more efficient in the design stage.

Ron N

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