Windex and polyesther

Fri, 24 Dec 1999 09:54:59 EST

In a message dated 12/24/1999 8:14:13 AM, Roy wrote:

<<Have a customer with a Yamaha grand who claims that Windex used as a 
cleaning aid ruined the surface. The finish IS damaged, but after looking 
through the archives I've not seen any evidence that Windex is indeed the 
culprit. Any suggestions / ideas? Thanks.

Roy Ulrich>>

 I suppose that Windex could damage a finish if used that I 
mean sprayed directly on the finish and allowed to set.  Windex does contain 
some ammonia and this 'could' cause some dulling/spotting on polyester.  Like 
most other things we tend to say "if a little bit is good a lot will be 
great!"  This ain't so in most cases :-(
 If Windex is the cleaner of choice for a polyester finish it shold be 
sprayed on the cloth and not the finish, further the cloth should only be 
moist/damp and not 'wet'.
This damp cloth will clean the finish and should be followed by using a dry 

  Cory products makes an excellent polyester cleaner/polish for normal use 
and I believe several other makes are available.  I have used Windex for a 
long time and have never had any problems, however I prefer to use Cory 
products for this chore.
Jim Bryant (FL)

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