"killer octave:

Ron Nossaman nossaman@SOUTHWIND.NET
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 23:05:20 -0600

>Can someone explain "killer octave" for me?  Thanks....

Octave 5-6 (nearly any piano), characterized by loud attack, short sustain,
and moderate to severe distortion with a hard blow. Generally erroneously
presumed to be a voicing problem, and subject to any number of magic, or
desperate to heroic procedures involving varying combinations of  tuning,
juicing, needling, steaming, leveling and tapping of strings on bridges,
sacrificing of goats, and other forms of denial, it is, in fact, a
soundboard design problem and, as such, is not curable by any of the above
shaking of rattles and/or sundry incantations. If you're interested in
reading up a little, there's plenty of discussion about this in the archives.

Ron N

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