pitch lowering

Jon Page jonpage@mediaone.net
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 09:30:30 -0500

Tune them at 442. If the pitch if really high, just tune it down 2cps or 8
Don't lower the pitch any more than you can get away with having it
with the one tuning (I draw the line at 4cps). The pitch will drop in the
ensuing months.
This is rough tuning, not performance material but good enough for these

Don't sweat floor tunings.  Do them quick.


Jon Page

At 07:21 AM 12/23/99 -0500, you wrote: 
> I'm a "sort-of" newbie who just got his first piano-related job of tuning
> pianos for a dealer who specializes in Asian pianos.  Most (all) of these
> pianos come eight cents SHARP.  I presume they are tuned at 442 in their
> country of origin.  What's the best way to bring them down?  I find that by
> just knocking each note down to pitch, they have a tendency to creep back up
> and I usually have to go over the piano twice. ( I use the SAT.)  Is there a
> method I can use to avoid this extra step?    I'd appreciate any experience
> anyone has in this area.
> Thanks
> Phil Ryan

Jon Page
piano technician; Harwich Port, Cape Cod, Mass.

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