pitch lowering

Thu, 23 Dec 1999 09:00:55 EST

Phil writes:
> I'm a "sort-of" newbie who just got his first piano-related job of tuning
>new pianos for a dealer who specializes in Asian pianos.  Most (all) of
>these pianos come eight cents SHARP.  I presume they are tuned at 442 in
>their country of origin.  What's the best way to bring them down?  I find
>that by just knocking each note down to pitch, they have a tendency to
>creep back up and I usually have to go over the piano twice. ( I use the

    It is possible that you are going to be doing a lot of pitch raising this 
time next year on these pianos.  What is the problem with leaving them at 
442?  All new pianos seem to flatten out in the first year,  so unless there 
was some overriding consideration,  I would leave them right where they are. 
Ed Foote 
(geez,  what's going on?  All these people are running around, the streets 
are packed, people are buying stuff like there is no tomorrow, putting lights 
all over their houses and indoor plants,  the same weird music playing 
everywhere, and somehow, somebody must have sold a boatload of these strange 
red hats that I see people wearing.  Is this the start of some new reindeer 
hunting season or something?  Maybe we should just declare a holiday here 
until things get back to normal...(:)}}}

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