tuner's responsibility. was Re: Dishonest Dealers

Kristinn Leifsson istuner@islandia.is
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 19:08:27 +0000

At 14:54 20.12.1999 EST, you wrote:
>I agree with many of the responses that said to turn this matter over to the 
>AG. But before you do turn this dealer in for fraud, you had better be sure 
>there is fraud. If this dealer is as savvy with the law as you say he is, 
>he'll sue you if he finds out you're behind the investigation, especially if 
>it turns out he is not doing anything wrong. 
>Which brings me to this point. To what extent should we, as piano tuners, go 
>to expose a dealer who does do something wrong?  Is it our responsibility to 
>report unscrupulous dealers to the authorities? 
>There are two sides to this debate.  One, as a source of income for 
>ourselves, if we "upset the apple cart," it can do us more harm than good if 
>dealers are fearful of us if we report what we perceive as dishonest deals.  
>One the other hand, we might be only ones who know when a dealers is doing 
>something wrong.  So perhaps it is our responsibility.
>What are your thoughts on this subject?

Do the right thing!

Kristinn Leifsson,
Reykjavík, Iceland

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