Dishonest Dealers, Becker pianos

Mon, 20 Dec 1999 15:12:01 EST

In a message dated 12/19/99 5:26:25 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< now, when the Rippen factory in Ede Holland closed, the
 inventory was moved to Saint Petersburg together with some people of the
 staff. There they started making Becker pianos. I have seen those
 instruments on the Musikmesse in Frankfurt and there were also some faces I
 have seen on the 2 Rippen factory tours I made. So that is all what is Dutch
 about Becker.
 Michiel van Loon
 Holland >>

I thought the piano with the name Lyon and Healy was made in Holland and 
imported to this country with the L&H name.  Any truth to this?

Bob Bergantino, RPT
Willoughby Hills, Ohio

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