tuner's responsibility. was Re: Dishonest Dealers

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 14:54:55 EST


I agree with many of the responses that said to turn this matter over to the 
AG. But before you do turn this dealer in for fraud, you had better be sure 
there is fraud. If this dealer is as savvy with the law as you say he is, 
he'll sue you if he finds out you're behind the investigation, especially if 
it turns out he is not doing anything wrong. 

Which brings me to this point. To what extent should we, as piano tuners, go 
to expose a dealer who does do something wrong?  Is it our responsibility to 
report unscrupulous dealers to the authorities? 

There are two sides to this debate.  One, as a source of income for 
ourselves, if we "upset the apple cart," it can do us more harm than good if 
dealers are fearful of us if we report what we perceive as dishonest deals.  
One the other hand, we might be only ones who know when a dealers is doing 
something wrong.  So perhaps it is our responsibility.

What are your thoughts on this subject?


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