Perfect pitch

Ron Nossaman nossaman@SOUTHWIND.NET
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 22:15:08 -0600

> Several years ago I had just finished tuning a S&S baby at a home for, uh,
> "mentally challenged" (?). I ran through a short version of the theme from
> "Chariots of Fire" which had just been released. I seriously doubt that
> anyone in this institution had seen the movie, but when I finished a woman
> took the bench and played exactly what I had played, _including_ my misteak!
> I later found out that she was "idiot savant" and wonder hey, I don't know if
> that's anywhere close to perfect pitch, but if and when I loose my last few
> marbles I hope that's what I become.
> Roy Ulrich

Some years back, I was tuning at the State facility for the (etc.), and was
narrowly saved from the incumbent autistic savant (they don't like the term
"idiot", except as it applies to elected officials and department heads), who
was apparently enraged that someone else was touching "his" piano (which was
virtually pounded and abused to splinters). I don't know, or much care, how
perfect his pitch was, but his presence was pretty bloody intimidating. I tuned
the piano in ET... serves him right.

Ron N

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