
Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 18:52:12 EST

In a message dated 12/17/99 4:15:13 AM !!!First Boot!!!, 

<< List,
  I have a client who just moved into a new house and her nice piano is now
 near a window. She wants to keep the sun off the piano but fears a running
 contention with her husband about keeping the curtains (sheers) closed. I
 mentioned something about piano scarves, and she jumped at the idea,
 wanting to know where these are sold. I guess I am thinking of some thin
 silk or silk-like fabric that is stylish enough and is big enough to cover
 the piano most times, to at least somewhat protect the finish from the
 sun's rays. What can I tell her? I told her I would put the question out to
 the list. She is decorator-savvy and has never seen anything marketed as
 Ken Jankura
 Newburg, PA  >>


As far as keeping the sun off the piano, I would recommend 3M screens on the 
window panes. It is covering much like tinting on car windows, that eliminate 
a lot of the ultra violet rays that cause all the damage to finish. It also 
keeps a lot of the heat out. 

As far as a scarf is concerned. I don't know if there is a "piano" scarf, 
other than custom made ones. But I have a 4' x 6' blanket/cover/towel, 
whatever it is, on my piano. I bought it at THE NATURE STORE at the mall. My 
particular blanket has wales on it. There are many other nature scenes you 
can buy. It covers the top of the piano, and hangs over the sides. Kind of 
neat looking. The reason my piano top is covered, is because it was easier 
and cheaper to do that, than to refinish it. 


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