Perfect Pitch...Matthew

Terry L Jack
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 21:49:43 -0800

I will offer a thought after watching this thread.  I have been told I have
perfect pitch. Personally I do not think I do. I am often able to know what
note is being played.  On the them of color, I have always seen music in
color.  I can not describe it to anyone, I simply see colors. they are
always the same for a given note.  Frequently various shades in different

My wife and I were talking about this the other day. She is blind. She told
me that many people who have never seen describe and percieve color by feel;
but the things they associate with something they know is a given color.
Seems possible that some relate musical note in a similar way.

I am not explaining myself very well......................think I will stick
to pianos!  *smile*

Terry Jack

> Hearing in colors?

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