Weber notching, etc...

Ron Koval
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 06:37:35 PST

I did a first tuning on a Weber grand the other day

The owners said they bought it new about 7 years ago.
I noticed that the bridge was notched with a shelf, instead
of a slope.  The pins were almost vertical, and the notch was
behind the pins.  Very strange to my eyes.  Is this normal for
these instruments?  Tuned up o.k., I'll have to check next time
for how well it holds.  Also, it used a laminated bridge cap that
showed through the notching, kindof looked like plywood!

On another tangent-

With the recent discussion of different stretch preferences,
I wondered if anyone has done any study comparing... (oooo,
treading lightly now, flamesuit ready) age/hearing quality with stretch 
preferences.  During my career, I've followed up on some 'older'(that could 
be me soon!) tuners that stretch the bejeebers
out of the top.  It's about a step too high to my liking.

Could hearing loss make people prefer pure 5ths, and super stretch?

On another note (first snow in Chicago today)

Quick tip:  When getting out of the car or leaving the client's
house, stand still for one moment to let your shoes/boots cool
off on the bottom.  Then when you walk, your footwear will be
less slippery.

stay safe and healthy this busy holiday season!

Ron Koval
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