Corfam removal help needed

Lance Lafargue
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 07:39:04 -0600

If you're still working on this.  Use wallpaper remover (some stuff is
stronger than others).  I put it on with a small needle nose bottle.  I wait
30-60 minutes and they fall off.  Really.  I have done probably 50 of these
and 30 with the black stuff.  The tan corfam is a lot easier.  I never take
the parts off the rail (you can take every other hammer off to give you room
and ease of realigning the removed hammers.).  I have done this enough times
to do it with super glue and a pair of long tweezers (you HAVE to have GOOD
light!!!!).  If you take the hammers off, you usually have hammer cut to
string misalignment and need to file hammers. Also, you may have a couple of
butt felts fall off.  Just put em back on and glue the new material on.  I
have never had a problem with callbacks and have been doing this proceedure
for 10 years.  Good luck with it!

Lance Lafargue, RPT
Mandeville, LA
New Orleans Chapter

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf
Of Clyde Hollinger
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 1999 10:34 AM
Subject: Corfam removal help needed


I need some fast advice.  I have here at home a Baldwin action with the
really wood-hard Corfam on both the catchers and the butts.  I am having
trouble getting the stuff off.  Is there any better way to do this?

I am following Rob Kiddell's technical document on this job.  He says
start at a corner of the catcher with a knife, then peel it off with a
pliers.  The corfam rips before I get to the other end of it, and of
course I run the good chance of slicing my finger before I finish doing
this 176 times.

I also tried something I saved off the list by "Marvin" who said it just
falls off with 409.  I don't know how long one is to wait after soaking
the Corfam, but so far this hasn't worked, either.  Hasn't even made a

Since I use wallpaper remover to get old key bushings out, I am about to
give this a try.  There should be a better way to get this stuff off.
Please help!  (desperate tone of voice)

Thank you,
Clyde Hollinger

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