hogwash tunings/Piano Tuners' Pianos

Michael Jorgensen Michael.Jorgensen@cmich.edu
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 07:28:05 -0400

So how often do all of you techs actually tune your personal home piano(s)?  My
wife, a violinist, actually threatened to call another tuner if I didn't do
it!---and soon!  (That got me tuning it right away).  I guess it's just not
something i feel like doing at the end of the day.


> In a message dated 12/15/1999 1:55:19 PM, you wrote:
> <<"One of the things that strikes me as curious is that when I worked at
> the local college, the teachers wanted their pianos tuned every month or
> two, but they only had their home piano tuned once a year. I wonder why
> that is.
> Jim Coleman, Sr.">>
> Dr. Coleman;
>   There really 'is' two threads here...one of teachers/professors who teach
> at an institution and one of where the teachers teach at their
> home................different circumstances, in my opinion.

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