Corfam removal help needed

Ron Berry
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 00:26:55 -0500

Soaking is the way to get the corfam off the back catcher.  
Wallpaper remover will work or even water and alcohol to thin the 
water.  You need to reapply several times but don't let it drip into 
other parts of the action.  Once they have been soaked they will pull 
right off.

The corfam on under the butt where the jack works will pop loose on 
the outside edge and then use needle nose pliers to pull it out of the 
slot.  Use a knife to clean out the slot.

Ron Berry

> Since I use wallpaper remover to get old key bushings out, I am about
> to give this a try.  There should be a better way to get this stuff
> off. Please help!  (desperate tone of voice)
> Thank you,
> Clyde Hollinger

Ron Berry, RPT, Indianapolis, IN
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