brass fallboard decal

Delwin D Fandrich
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 09:06:34 -0800

----- Original Message -----
From: Owen J Greyling, RPT <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 1999 7:48 AM
Subject: brass fallboard decal

> Dear List,
> Would any of the refinishers on the list be willing to share a procedure
> the following?
>  I am refinishing a grand piano with hand rubbed lacquer.  This particular
> instrument has a brass fallboard decal that appears to be let into the
> veneer, but at the same time, left slightly proud.
> Is there an accepted procedure (or trick) to apply the sealers, colour
> and top coats, that would leave the decal intact, yet visible through the
> black lacquer?
> Thankyou,
> Owen J. Greyling, RPT.

These may not be let into the wood surface.  They may be very thin brass
sheet letters and/or logotype.

If they are of the type we used they are applied to the lacquer surface just
before the final two or three coats of lacquer are sprayed on.  Once the
lacquer -- or whatever -- is fully cured, the surface is wet-sanded, going
through to the brass surface.  If you want the lettering to end up slightly
proud of the surface, you would wet-sand as soon as possible after
spraying -- say within a couple of hours.  Lacquer will continue drying --
and shrinking -- for several days after it has dried enough to wet-sand.


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