Corfam removal help needed

Clyde Hollinger
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 11:34:24 -0500


I need some fast advice.  I have here at home a Baldwin action with the
really wood-hard Corfam on both the catchers and the butts.  I am having
trouble getting the stuff off.  Is there any better way to do this?

I am following Rob Kiddell's technical document on this job.  He says
start at a corner of the catcher with a knife, then peel it off with a
pliers.  The corfam rips before I get to the other end of it, and of
course I run the good chance of slicing my finger before I finish doing
this 176 times.

I also tried something I saved off the list by "Marvin" who said it just
falls off with 409.  I don't know how long one is to wait after soaking
the Corfam, but so far this hasn't worked, either.  Hasn't even made a

Since I use wallpaper remover to get old key bushings out, I am about to
give this a try.  There should be a better way to get this stuff off.
Please help!  (desperate tone of voice)

Thank you,
Clyde Hollinger

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