Perfect Pitch

Wed, 15 Dec 1999 02:08:52 EST

In a message dated 12/13/99 10:35:19 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< Many people over the years have claimed to me that they have perfect 
pitch. When I ask them to be more specific on this, they start to cool off.  
One person when asked what note I was playing on the piano went cold on the 
idea altogether.  To me, having perfect pitch means being able to detect or 
aurally produce a note within a maybe a few beats, but no one has 
demonstrated to me that they can get that close.  I would imagine that 
singers would be pretty accurate, but not perfect.  Any comments?
 Brian Holden   >>

There is no such thing as perfect or absolute pitch. Usually this denotes one 
who can tell what note is being played on the piano without looking at the 
keyboard.  Funny though, many people assume that piano tuners must have 
perfect pitch.

One time during a choir rehearsal, the director said something about perfect 
pitch and to humor them, I hummed an "A", and the pianist played the note to 
which I was right.  Then I heard whispers "he is a piano tuner!"  

The fact is, there is no such thing, because I may tell you what note is 
being played, I cannot tell you how cps there are. Close but no cigar.

But imagine this:  if piano tuners needed perfect pitch, I would be in great 
demand and wealthy beyond my years (grin).

Dave Peake, RPT
Portland Chapter
Oregon City, OR

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