Perfect Pitch

Jonathan Adams
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 11:49:50 -0700

I would be interested in knowing whether perfect pitch occurs as often in
right handed people as it does in left handed people.  This is something I
have always wondered about.

Stacy Adams
PTG Associate

From: Brian Holden <>
To: Pianotech Forum <>
Subject: Perfect Pitch
Date: Monday, December 13, 1999 11:17 AM

Many people over the years have claimed to me that they have perfect pitch.
When I ask them to be more specific on this, they start to cool off.  One
person when asked what note I was playing on the piano went cold on the
idea altogether.  To me, having perfect pitch means being able to detect or
aurally produce a note within a maybe a few beats, but no one has
demonstrated to me that they can get that close.  I would imagine that
singers would be pretty accurate, but not perfect.  Any comments?

Brian Holden  

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