Haines grand

lnichol@cdsnet.net lnichol@cdsnet.net
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 01:12:56 -0800

I'm working on a Haines Bros. grand, 1931 by the atlas and around 5'. 
It's not the Ampico or Aeolian type of Haines player grand, probably not
even the same manufacturer, but it has an unusual action and I could use
some advice on regulating it, if anyone out there has worked on one
before.  It has a hammer rest rail similar to a vertical, with left
pedal lift rod, but I assume the hammers rest on the capstans. I think
part of the difficulty in regulating it is the unusual repetition
springs. They look like sprung hairpins and are mounted to the front of
the jacks.  They are bent to contact a "drop screw" (let-off button),
then into a slot in the hammer butt, as the spring in a vertical butt
works. Many of these have broken in the past and new ones "manufactured"
by various techs and the lack of consistancy from one to another has a
big effect on the rest of the action.
  If anyone has specs on this type of piano or other advice please
answer or e-mail me directly.  
Louise Nicholson, RPT

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