Business Software

Richard Brekne
Thu, 09 Dec 1999 22:36:19 +0100

If you can get a hold of a copy of Commence you can set it up to be the absolute
complete piano buisness system. Works as a PM, Bookkeeper, Customer Records, To
do's and just about anything you can think of. It is one of those
multi-relational databases. Its free. Buy a copy of the magazine PC Plus (a
british publication, also available on the nett). A while back you could
download this package from their website. You can set it up to write out your
bills for you, and write the envelopes with addresses. Once you enter a new
customer you can attach as many bills to that person as you want without haveing
to re-enter any personal stuff, so that at any time you can look up the complete
history of bills and work you have done for any given customer. I have been
using it for 4 years now. At years end I just back it up and take the disk to my
bookeeper, who does my taxes for me with it. An idiot (puter idiot that is)
could figure out how to make it purr

Richard Brekne
I.C.P.T.G.  N.P.T.F.
Bergen, Norway wrote:

> I've been using the "old-fashioned" card system of tracking my customers for
> the past twelve years. I want to become more efficient. Can anyone suggest a
> good piano-business software package that's a good value for the money? Bob

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