Touch Weight Too Heavy on MX100

Newton Hunt
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 08:47:25 -0500

The friction is OK except B7.

I doubt this piano left the factory that way, look it over carefully
and try to determine what may have happened or what was done to the

Don't start changing things until you DO understand and then correct
the problem not the symptoms.

You really need to look at the sticks.  Yamahas have colored lines
drawn on the bottoms of the keys to tell the installer where leads
should be placed.  The lines represent what size to put where and the
sharps and naturals have their own lines.  

CHeck to see if the action support bolts have moved or been moved by 
a fall.  Check the back, the finish and as much as possible the bottom
of the piano for evidence of a drop.

Examine the action out of the piano to see if the action rail is
bent.  You can use a book at one end as support and your foot to
straighten the rail.

Check the blow distance, spec should be about 48 mm.

The MX100 is a U1 (I think) with the Disklavier so it has dowel
capstans. Examine the rocker cushion to determine where the dowel
meets the wippen heel.  Experiment and measure by bending the wire
(carefully) toward the front a little.  A 1/16" can make a dramatic

Anything you do will change the performance of the player so you will
need to recalibrate it by running the built in program.

You have a nice challenge there.

Let us know how it turns out.


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