Enlarging Castor Recesses

Tom Dickson td_tuner@hotmail.com
Thu, 09 Dec 1999 19:58:49 PST

Hi, John!

  Thanks for starting this thread;  hopefully we'll both get an answer.

  I have done a number of these caster jobs on older uprights.  I started 
with just a chisel, and then hit on the rotary file in my drill.  I use 
these in combination, now.  But, that's as far as I've gotten, too.

  I wondered about something like a hole saw, but it seems a little flimsy 
for the type of cutting required;  also, I don't know as I can easily get 
one in the diameter I need for good clearance.  I like the chisel to finish 
as a bevel is needed rather that a straight sided cut.

  Anyway, hope the answers out there.


>From: John R Fortiner <pianoserv440@juno.com>
>Reply-To: pianotech@ptg.org
>To: pianotech@ptg.org
>Subject: Enlarging Castor Recesses
>Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 13:38:25 -0700
>What is/are your favorite methods/tool(s) for enlarging the recess that
>castors fit into on the bottom of pianos such as when fitting double
>wheel castors so the arm of the castor doesn't get hung up against the
>existing recess?
>I've used chisels and rotary files chucked into a drill  for this - bad
>wording - I never chucked the chisels into a drill :-), but feel there
>has to be a better way.
>John Fortiner
>Billings, MT.
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