Christmas "overtime" premium?

Sy Zabrocki
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 23:22:44 -0700

John Dewey: You mentioned the name Bob Haywood. (Hayward?) Haven't thought
of him in years. One time he was conducting a class at one of the
conventions. The hotel window was open and a bird flew into the classroom.
Sy Zabrocki

> The first convention I went to many years ago I heard Bob Haywood tell a
> funny (and not true) story about short notice concert tunning that had to
> done between the stage hands setting up and the violins tunning up for the
> concert. (about 15 minutes). To make a long story short the tunner checked
> that the legs were on solid, the lid hinges were tight, the lid prop was
> sound, and the bench didn't wobble. He then went home and sent in his
> John Dewey

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