Christmas "overtime" premium?

Newton Hunt
Wed, 08 Dec 1999 10:22:30 -0500

Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on

I have lived by those words since after my first emergency to which I
responded with heart racing and adrenolin pumping.  Never again!!!

Fir tuning two pianos together I charge the fee for three tunings.  I
have found that two pianos are never so close as to not warrant one
being tuned twice and pre SAT tunings were, at best, very difficult
like tuning a S&S D and a Bechstein 9' together, or a S&S 1045 and an
S&S M.  (double bitch!!).

I make it very plain, THIS IS YOUR PROBLEM, not mine.

I never compromise my work and I never compromise my prices.  If you
want a discount call another tuner.  On short notice that makes them
panic and they are willing to pay.  MY body is not for abusing.

Sorry, that kind of stuff makes me so _mad_.

You think you are going to pay less for a midnight call for a
plumber?  Get real folks!


>  but I was insistent that I
> should not be doing it, but if they must have me I would charge
> my regular rate for each, no discounts.
> They reluctantly paid, but not without some tension.
> Worked out OK. Pianos were very nice. Easy tunings.

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