Xmas tunings

Brian Holden bholden@wave.co.nz
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 19:55:12 +1300

I'm convinced that people have competitions to see how much stuff they can
stack on top of a piano - refrigerators get the same treatment.  I seldom
put the items back on the piano for two, no - three  reasons:  It is my way
of making a subtle statement that the top should be left uncluttered.  Also,
the top is left clear for dusting and lastly, I'm often too busy to
reconnect mini stereos, lamps and goldfish bowls anyway!   Brian Holden

-----Original Message-----
From: Marcel Carey <mcpiano@globetrotter.net>
To: pianotech <pianotech@ptg.org>
Date: Wednesday, 8 December 1999 16:40
Subject: Xmas tunings

>Hi List!
>I wonder if you like it as much as I do when you get to a piano with nobody
>home (owners left the key under the door mat) to find the stereo (the one
>with 4 speakers) on the top of the piano with the 23 pieces nativity set...
>Candles, decorations, everything goes.
>Some day!!!
>Marcel Carey, RPT
>Sherbrooke, QC

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