Shims and soundboardrepair.

Bdshull@AOL.COM Bdshull@AOL.COM
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 11:42:40 EST


I like the Spurlock tool;  I also like his shims (angled to match the 
supplied bit), which are of pretty decent quality.  Like any tool, the die 
grinder setup requires getting used to -- talk to Bill or one of his 
associates (hopefully Dale Fox will post on this) and you might save some 
grief -- use some dry lube for the SB surface.   It uses a die grinder 
installed on slotted mounting jig riding along an angle iron guide (which is 
taped to the SB with mounting tape) -- a pretty light setup, and more easily 
affected by wood grain orientation and friction at its contact points than a 
larger tool -- it is a small bit and should only take off a small amount of 
material at a time.  

I like the Spurlock tool for shimming because it is far superior to the old 
system with a knife for achieving a 100% contact along the shim.  You have to 
decide whether it is worth the time to try to color the shim to match the 
board color, or whether you want the shim to be a sign of your proud SB 

Bill Shull
University of Redlands, La Sierra University

In a message dated 12/7/99 8:15:34 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< How many who are shimming have used Bill Spurlock's router 
 shimming system?  Any comments?  

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