Renner key easing pliers

John R Fortiner
Mon, 6 Dec 1999 21:59:30 -0700

I also own the same that Bob has.  One advantage that I have never seen
mentioned is that, unlike conventional key easing pliers, the working tip
is a little narrower than the mortises ( front to back ) so if you need
to ease just the back or front of the mortise it can be done easily.  And
yes.......  they really do speed up the job for frontrail work.
John R. Fortiner

On Mon, 06 Dec 1999 16:43:44 -0700 "Robert A. Anderson"
<> writes:
> I have both, Dan, and I prefer the one with the "tongue/swivel" thing 
> in
> the middle. It has proved to be much more comfortable in my hand, 
> and I
> can work faster with it.
> Bob Anderson
> Tucson, AZ

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