How to get history of Aeolian/Steinway piano?

Robert Goodale
Mon, 06 Dec 1999 20:42:10 -0600

mirage mirage wrote:

> Hello. I'm an NBSS graduate of 99 living in Boston. I've been enjoying
> reading bunch of messages on this list for a long time, but it's time for
> me
> to come out because I need some help.
> A friend of mine has a Steinway/Duo Art grand (6'5") and he wants to know a
> history of the piano. I have contacted NY Steinway but all they could tell
> was that the piano was sold directly to Aeolian company and they didn't
> know
> who the first owner was.
> Is there any way of getting a history of Steinway/Aeolian Duo Art pianos?
> The serial number of the piano is 246601.

If no one knows first hand, (via a chain of previous owners), your chances of
finding a history is probably slim.  As a last resort, however, you might
consider getting on the Mechanical Music Digest list, (MMD).  It is a list for
techs and enthusiests of self playing instruments including player pianos, coin
pianos, orchestrions, etc.  It is possible that someone on this list might have
come across it sometime in the past and might know something.

Go here to subscribe:

Good Luck!

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

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