update on Steinway/new questions

John M. Formsma jformsma@dixie-net.com
Mon, 6 Dec 1999 22:36:58 -0600


You wrote:
<<<  My first thought is "Check your clearance under the pinblock!".
     I have a customer that would like to have her action regulated, but it
is trapped by the protruding pins that an earlier tech had tapped down,
while the action was still in the piano.  Make sure that the pins aren't way
up because they are too long to start with.
Ed Foote>>>

This is a possibility, because the rebuilders apparently do not have the
experience and expertise that is desirable in piano restoration.  In the
middle section, there are 4-5 coils on every tuning pin, and some pins are
driven almost all the way to the plate.  It was strange that those middle
pins were driven in further than the upper section.   Perhaps longer pins
were used there.  ???

Because of the questionable aptitude of the rebuilders, I'll definitely
check the length of the pins before driving them in further.


John Formsma
Blue Mountain, MS

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