piano strobe tuner

Richard Brekne richardb@c2i.net
Mon, 06 Dec 1999 23:39:50 +0100

If you got a laptop.. download a copy of Tunelab (you can find it by
browsing the piano page from the PTG.) It will work great, you can use
it much like you would use a strobe tuner (tho its not a strobe) and its

Robert... grin.. you should up your price. bty .. my check is on the
way. I just plain use it too much for my concious.

Richard Brekne
I.C.P.T.G.  N.P.T.F.
Bergen, Norway

"Johnson Mvg & Stge Co." wrote:

> Hi I am looking for a strobe or some type of piano tuner.
> Curtis 301-868-0320
> Thanks,

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