update on Steinway/new questions

John M. Formsma jformsma@dixie-net.com
Mon, 6 Dec 1999 07:20:57 -0600


<<<<Hi John,
             Glad to hear you were successful.
The adjacent pin rising is not uncommon, now just think what would have
happened if you had used over size pins. WOW trouble. You would have really
stressed those cracks and fissures.
Did you heat the epoxy a little after filling the hole? The pin rising is
less prevalent when the epoxy is very watery.

The 6 to 7 mm is a little on the high side for the bottom of the coil.

Regards Roger>>>

No, I didn't heat the epoxy after filling the hole.  I used the West System,
which was pretty thin to start with.  However, I did try using a syringe
with a fairly large needle, and I heated the epoxy first with a hairdryer.
It made it more liquid, but not really enough to allow easy travel thru the
syringe.  It worked OK, but I could not see how much epoxy went into the
hole, and it took a fair amount of pressure on the plunger to make the stuff
come out.  I gave that method up and went back to filling the hole with a
drop on the end of a piece of piano wire.

I will try heating the epoxy after filling the hole.  That sounds like a
good idea.

Thanks for the input.

John Formsma
Blue Mountain, MS

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