update on Steinway/new questions

Nancy McMillan nlm@csu.cted.net
Mon, 6 Dec 1999 07:30:28 -0500

John asked:
> 1) I had ordered 1" pins, planning to tap them in a touch further than the
> original, then file to proper height.  However, the pins were already 1"
> I put in extra epoxy.  After putting enough epoxy into the holes, I
> that as I tapped the new pins into the epoxy-filled hole, the previously
> tapped adjacent pin came up as its neighbor was being tapped in.  I
> that there were pretty sizable gaps in the bases of the holes, which
> the epoxy to "travel" over to the neighboring hole.  Is this normal, and
> that what was happening?  Since 1" pins were what I replaced, had this
> bridge seen repair before???  Would that have caused the gap/trough at the
> bottom?
Hi John,

Sometimes the epoxy has no where to go and a hydraulic action forces the
bridge pin out no matter how much pounding you do, or keeps it from
bottoming out at all.

Glad to hear your job came out to your liking.

Doug Mahard, Associate

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