New Keys

Jim Coleman, Sr.
Sun, 05 Dec 1999 23:45:40 -0700 (MST)

Hi Philip:

Yes, You can. Take keys from an old junker, cut and splice three pieces
together (front center and back). Fit them together between good neighbor
keys to establish the flare angle and level of the keys. Tack the three
pieces together with CA glue, then put on veneer reinforments on either
side of the joints (you can use regular yellow glue for this). Fill any
remaining voids with CA glue.

The real trick is to make sure that the capstans line up, the bottom 
balance holes line up, and the front visible parts of the keys line up.

If you need more detail, I can talk it over the phone easier than 
writing it out.

Jim Coleman, Sr.

On Sun, 5 Dec 1999, Philip Jamison wrote:

> Anyone know who could make 2 or 3 upright piano replacement keys?
> Philip Jamison
> PA

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