Yamaha C7

Roger Jolly baldyam@sk.sympatico.ca
Sun, 05 Dec 1999 10:54:47 -0600

Hi Bob,
           I'll clarify the points as I see them.

>> 3. Clean the ends of the springs with naptha.
>Naptha?? A clean cloth does the job

Not always, go down south and see some vergris on the spring, I have seen
some that have even required metal polish. This is not just peculiar to
>> 7.  Reburnish with the sharpened shank.
>Burnish... OK....Yamaha doesn't use dag.

I know, but it seems to make a big difference in fine regulation

>> 8.  Reassemble and budget for a major reg.
>Eliminating the the "friction" in the rep spring groove constitutes "major

You bet, uneven friction at this point, can effect hammer line, rep spring
tension and checking height.

Gina Carter and I have just completed an extensive series of articles for
the journal to start in Feb/Mar? Titled inter active grand regulation, at
that time we will reveal all.

I also have had the benefit of some Yamaha training at their grand plant.
But the approach that I take is just my own opinion.

Uneven friction is probably one of the least understood problem with
regards to touch AND voicing, in the field of piano service. Not just on
rep springs.

Hope this makes my position clearer.
Roger Jolly
Saskatoon, Canada.
Fax 652-0505

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