Kindness, mercy, only slightly piano related, & long

Joseph Alkana jfa19@IDT.NET
Sun, 05 Dec 1999 08:12:55 -0800

Robert Goodale wrote:

> > Hi list, I thought I'd share a couple of experiences I had in a
> > rebuilding shop

A great story that my wife and I just enjoyed together over a cup of
coffee. May your wedded life be every bit as happy as ours has been.
This month we will celebrate 25 years of marriage. It seems unbelievable
that that much time has gone by. With your patience and understanding it
sounds like your prospects for a happy and successful marital life will
be forthcoming.

My wife is going to retire from her job with Boeing in the near future
and begin to help out in the shop and office. I hope I can have as much
success as you in my endeavors to bring her up to speed as a helper in
the business...and keep the marital fires going!

I for one would like to hear from other techs as to the success or
failure of spousal help in the business. Any takers?

The best of everything for you and your bride to be!

Joseph Alkana   RPT

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