ER musician's filters

John M. Formsma
Sun, 5 Dec 1999 09:26:46 -0600


>From my research into earplugs, the musician's plug are the best option.
They decrease the volume, but the attenuation is mostly linear.  In other
ear plugs, the higher frequencies are attenuated much more than the lower
ones.  Therefore, it becomes harder to hear the higher partials as you move
up the keyboard.  IOW, the musician's plugs are sonically accurate.

I bought some silicone-type plugs from Wal-Mart.  They were "shooter's
plugs" but I wanted to try them as a cheap alternative to musician's plugs.
They work well for the temperament area and the bass, but not so well as you
go up.  So...I got the real things, figuring that the $$$ were well worth
saving my ears, thereby extending my tuning career.

John Formsma
Blue Mountain, MS

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 1999 9:02 AM
Subject: Re: ER musician's filters

Hi Marcel -

This is not a direct response to your dilemma, but a possible alternative
- and certainly MUCH CHEAPER!

Call Industrial Safety @ 1-800-537-9721 and request a catalog.  A
extremely wide assortment of ear plugs can be purchased at incredibly low
prices.  However, the lowest db rating I saw in there was 17db.  Too

Mark Potter

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