Yamaha C7

Roger Jolly baldyam@sk.sympatico.ca
Sat, 04 Dec 1999 23:27:24 -0600

Hi David,
             This has worked for me, and seems long lasting.
1. Remove the wippens
2. Unhitch the rep springs
3. Clean the ends of the springs with naptha.
4.  Take a vertical hammer shank and sharpen the end with a pencil
sharpener, it makes an ideal to burnish the slot.
5. Burnish the slot vigorously with the shank, resharpen as required.
6. With a small artist brush coat the bottom of the slots with dag.
7.  Reburnish with the sharpened shank.
8.  Reassemble and budget for a major reg.

Hope this helps.

At 11:14 PM 03/12/99 -0800, you wrote:
>I worked on a Yamaha C7, #5070074, about 8 years old.  I 
>noticed a odd clicking, frictioney sound and feel.  I removed a 
>wippen and found green "emrylon"? in rep spring groove.  
>Where the spring contacted the groove the emrylon was gone 
>and there was a wood/white spot.  I'm not sure if there is a 
>dent in the groove but a drop of Protek temporarily? fixed it.  
>Worked smooth as can be.  What is the correct lube here?  
>Should I smooth groove with a cuticle stick or such?  Is this a 
>warranty item?  
>David Ilvedson, RPT
>David Ilvedson, RPT
>Pacifica, CA
Roger Jolly
Saskatoon, Canada.
Fax 652-0505

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